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1 Quick question


Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old September 2nd, 2005, 21:34   #1
Join Date: Mar 2004
1 Quick question

Ok, lets say I were to buy a Tokyo Marui MP5 A4 (HG), would i have to change anything on that default (stock settings) MP5? Like lowering the FPS? Might I also ask does it come with a battery, (or does it depend where you buy it from?).
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 21:39   #2
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maybe look in the FAQ? or ask in GUN DISCUTION?
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 21:41   #3
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Ask the retailer if it comes with a battery or charger, in most cases guns dont come with anything but the gun itself and a few accesories (bb loader, barrel plug, instructions and a low capacity mag)

No you dont have to change anything unless you buy a pre-upgraded gun then you will have to lower the velocity (FPS) to be under the velocity at the field which you will play at, different fields have different limits for most fields the limit for an AEG is 400 fps AFAIK.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 21:44   #4
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Originally Posted by conrad
Ask the retailer if it comes with a battery or charger, in most cases guns dont come with anything but the gun itself and a few accesories (bb loader, barrel plug, instructions and a low capacity mag)

No you dont have to change anything unless you buy a pre-upgraded gun then you will have to lower the velocity (FPS) to be under the velocity at the field which you will play at, different fields have different limits for most fields the limit for an AEG is 400 fps AFAIK.
thank you very much! :tup: 1 last quick question srry about this, does it matter how many mA battery i use for a mp5 a4? i know i cant use the 600 and 700 etc. but, does it really matter for the 1300 or the 2000 or the 2400 or the 3000 mA?
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 22:03   #5
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mAh ratings are used to guage the stored power in the battery, so the larger the number, the more shots there should be in there.

Rule of thumb with a stock gun is 1 mAh = 1 shot, more or less.

Voltage on the other hand will directly affect your gun's performance. Stick with an 8.4v battery if you don't know what you're doing.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 22:06   #6
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i know what volts are. who doesnt :razz: . thanks. very friendly people here :-)
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 23:43   #7
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you would like to think so eh?

Lets just say you got lucky
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I'll get some chairs in a circle, put on some coffee, and register the support group; I'll need to get a head start on this epidemic.
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Old September 2nd, 2005, 23:50   #8
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Meh, I'm usually in a jolly mood. I'll try and get to the newbies before "they" eat them up if I can. :wink:
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Old September 3rd, 2005, 09:22   #9
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mmmm In that kind of electric motor set up, the ma WILL affect the rate of fire,
it would not be affected if airsoft gun would be equiped with speed controler, witch is not. volt X A= watt
mA = .001 A
the ROF will be determined by the number of watt your battery can give, the quality of the motor part and the restriction, (in this case, the spring but there is also the quality of the shimming and the ratio of the gears).

it is a bit true that higher Ma will give you a better longevity in airsoft gun(specially if you compare a really low A battery with a high one, but not as a RC car where there is a speed control.
you have a stock gun, witch mean the spring is pretty easy to compress, no need for a 9.6V 3000 mA.
my advice 8.4V 800mA to 1500mA is perfect.

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