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how to make my gun quieter


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Old April 13th, 2010, 12:01   #1
jeanparmesan's Avatar
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Lightbulb how to make my gun quieter

Hello. I have a jg hk416 and its pretty loud. Are there things I can do to make it quieter? Also, how would I increase my accuracy? I had to take the hop up apart to adjust it because it was too strong even when it was off.
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Old April 13th, 2010, 12:06   #2
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I'm new to the airsoft scene, however, through what I've read in the numerous provided threads and responses given by more veteran members, I would say to make it quieter, this isn't much you can do. You can add on a suppressor but that will only make the shot a little quieter. The mechbox will continue to make the same sound.

To increase accuracy and consistency, I would think you should upgrade to a tight bore barrel. I think that's what you can do. I know there are other things but I haven't read enough yet.

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I wish I could upload a few gameplay videos of me on Alliance of Valiant Arms for you guys to compare to.

I am not familiar with airsoft.

What my question is, does the element of surprise work on a typical airsoft match?
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Old April 13th, 2010, 12:08   #3
Dirty Deeds
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Don't pull the trigger.

Seriously, there will be noise it's just the way it is. As for accuracy, it will depend on your guns air seal consistancy (piston, cylinder, nozzle, and hop up) as well as a good hop up rubber and bucking, with the addition of a tight-bore barrel. All in all quality parts and a person who knows how to install the parts properly.

After that it's all about you, and the wind.
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Old April 13th, 2010, 12:09   #4
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For accuracy, you'll want a tighbore barrel, a good hop-up, and shoot good quality 0.28g BB's.

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Old April 13th, 2010, 12:20   #5
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What noise? The slap/thwack of the piston head hitting the cylinder head at the end of the shot? The whine of the gears? The noise of the motor? The pop at the muzzle? Got to be more specific.

There are a couple of different types of "silent" piston heads. They do change the sound of the shot. Some guys swear by the sorbo pads...I don't use them myself. This is where most of the sound is made.

A softer spring would obviously help.

Better gears/nicer shimming will help take the noise out of the gears.

There's not a lot to do with motors other than to try a different one.

Since most of the noise is from the mechbox...a suppressor's use is limited. It will change the pitch of the sound...some setups are more of a dull thump, others don't seem to change at all.

Accuracy (doing it backwards is just guessing...start with 1 and go down the list):
1. Ensure compression is good/consistent
2. Use heavier quality BB's for accuracy
3. A nice hopup rubber will help put an even amount of spin on the BB's
4. Tightbores will help

If too much hopup is applied you can change the stiffness of the rubber, the stiffness of the nub. When you assemble just the hopup and barrel...with the hopup off and looking into the shouldn't see any protrusion into the barrel, or at most just a little bit of a bump. Swap hopup rubbers/nubs/barrels to get the right fit. If it's just wonky no matter what you do, you can mod the hopup arm to let the nub sit a bit higher (= less hop)'d only take a sec with a round file.
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Old April 13th, 2010, 13:08   #6
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It's simple. Gearbox too loud? Redo a good shim job. Add grip with motor in it. Tighten everything down and pull the trigger. By doing this, you can some what see the motor height and adjust accordingly. Also have a close look at all the gear teeth. Make sure there's no burs and nothing is bent or out of place. Piston head too loud? Add a Sorbo Pad. Your mechbox will thank you. For accuracy, add a tightbore, SCS and a good bucking. Make sure there is no burs in the hop up chamber also. Check your piston head for burs and maybe enlarge the ports on it. Add bears to the piston head and spring guide. This will help with consistency. I'm doing all this to my 416 that's in the works. Good luck.

Originally Posted by jeanparmesan View Post
Hello. I have a jg hk416 and its pretty loud. Are there things I can do to make it quieter? Also, how would I increase my accuracy? I had to take the hop up apart to adjust it because it was too strong even when it was off.
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Old April 13th, 2010, 18:48   #7
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Shim the gears, get a TM motor, SW-COMP with active braking, ARS piston and cylinder heads, suppressor, tightbore, FPS under 350, lightweight piston, and fast trigger response (using a 9.6v large battery, 10.8v mini, or 11.1v LiPo with reduced motor speed). You'll make less noise in semi with fast trigger response.

As for accuracy, guarder black hopup rubber + SCS spacer or firefly hop rubber, tightbore barrel, air nozzle, upgrade cylinder set, grease everything properly, etc
Easiest thing to do is put a tightbore and new hop rubber in.
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