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Airsoft Guns Discussion

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Old September 28th, 2005, 08:47   #1
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: St-Marcel, Qc, Canada
N00B here...

First thing, Hi all

I'm new in this hobby and I'd like to have some tips/help... my friends bought some softair gun (yeah the ones who don't work ) I have a couple questions for ya all...

1) I'm the only exception in all my friends cause i bought a NBB gun : UHC UG-161... so the question is : is it a good gun to play with in airsoft games (competively) ? (or i should go to the store and get back my money) ---> cost 70 $ CAD + 25 $ for the second magazine i bought...

2) I'm more like a "rushing sniper", i mean i dont want a sniper gun but i want something to snipe a bit with... well can you show me links of guns good for it ? (links very appreciated because guns' names don't help....)

3) Being new mean that i have to buy some must equipment... can some1 link me this equipment (with price sure) ?

Just for your informations my budget is like between something cheap and middle quality (maybe 400-700 CAD for the gun and not too much for the equipment :xmas: )

Thx for the help
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Old September 28th, 2005, 09:08   #2
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Originally Posted by Dinendal
First thing, Hi all
1) I'm the only exception in all my friends cause i bought a NBB gun : UHC UG-161... so the question is : is it a good gun to play with in airsoft games (competively) ? (or i should go to the store and get back my money) ---> cost 70 $ CAD + 25 $ for the second magazine i bought...
It's a NBB and probably okay (it shoots, right?) .. that's the USP one? 15 rounds, with a spare magazine. It would be okay as a sidearm, but if you plan on going up against full auto rifles, you'll probably find yourself outgunned pretty fast.

2) I'm more like a "rushing sniper", i mean i dont want a sniper gun but i want something to snipe a bit with... well can you show me links of guns good for it ? (links very appreciated because guns' names don't help....)
Guns don't make snipers; skill makes snipers.

This isn't paintball, any gun can be used to "snipe a bit with". If you plan on "rushing" anything more than the Dead Player Area/Safe Zone, you want an assault rifle (or SMG, whatever tickles you). A tuned, stock AEG is reasonably accurate; well tuned/upgraded AEG can be extremely accurate.

You might want to find airsofters in your area and go check out a game and try some guns out so you can discover the performance of a real airsoft gun.

3) Being new mean that i have to buy some must equipment... can some1 link me this equipment (with price sure) ?

Just for your informations my budget is like between something cheap and middle quality (maybe 400-700 CAD for the gun and not too much for the equipment :xmas: )
There's a lot of places to buy gear, depends what you're looking for.

Surplus stores, you'll be able to find BDUs. Pball places you can get your goggles. You can find stuff online, too. Get good goggles, you only get one chance to save your eyes, so that's one place you don't want cheap out on.
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Old September 28th, 2005, 13:42   #3
Le Roi des poissons d'avril
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Sniper and rushing don't go together.

The only rush you get when sniping is when your hiding in your ghillie suit and someone is about to walk on you because they did not saw you.

Play a few games and you will know exacly what branch of the sport you want to specialise in. 90% of people will go AEG.

Anyway, you should start with an AEG. I think the FAQs as all the reasons and explanations on this, you might take some time reading it to save you some money.

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Old September 28th, 2005, 13:47   #4
WW2 Airsofter
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If you don't mind me asking, where did you find a nbb UHC UG-161 (I dont believe retailers carry cheap guns like that)...I own a couple nbb hfc guns but iv never heard of uhc. (they must be the same type of company I guess)

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Old September 28th, 2005, 17:18   #5
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Originally Posted by Erik_james
If you don't mind me asking, where did you find a nbb UHC UG-161 (I dont believe retailers carry cheap guns like that)...I own a couple nbb hfc guns but iv never heard of uhc. (they must be the same type of company I guess)


It was in Beloeil (Quebec) at a surplus store named SAIL ... I took it because it was a well looking gun but didn't know anything about airsoft... so I think I,m gonna go back and get back my money to buy a good AEG...

one of my friend told me that a G36C could be a good choice for me ... what do you think ?

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Old September 28th, 2005, 17:36   #6
The Saint
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Listen carefully, this is what you're going to do, because it's a lot more effective than asking us.

Firstly, read the FAQ here to better understand what features of a gun contributes to what desired performance. Then follow what you learned from the guide and read some reviews on the guns that seem to fit what you're looking for (remember to search the forum at different airsoft sites, reviews and opinions live there). If you can't decide between two guns of similar performance, pick the one prettiest to you. Then it's up to you if you want to buy the gun then or if you want to head to a game and check it out in person [hint: a picture is worth a thousand words but a feel is worth ten thousand (or jail time, if she be a minor)].

Remember, getting into airsoft properly is a rather expensive and time consuming ordeal that only YOU can pull off. We can't and won't bottlefeed you through the process, but we'll tell you what you should do to succeed. Follow what I've told you, and you should do fine.

Final hint: G36C is good for rushing, not so good for mid distance work, probably poor for long distance work. Read FAQs and reviews to figure out why.
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Old September 28th, 2005, 17:42   #7
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Originally Posted by Dinendal

one of my friend told me that a G36C could be a good choice for me ... what do you think ?

All guns are made the same, they are all good. It all depends on your profile. If your very tall and big, im sure you wouldn't get a mp5 or something small. Read some reviews, you will find alot of review in the review section.
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Old September 28th, 2005, 17:53   #8
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Originally Posted by [Avtomat]
Originally Posted by Dinendal

one of my friend told me that a G36C could be a good choice for me ... what do you think ?

All guns are made the same, they are all good. It all depends on your profile. If your very tall and big, im sure you wouldn't get a mp5 or something small. Read some reviews, you will find alot of review in the review section.
Well you cant say that. Some have different gear boxes, some are more reliable, some are not, some have more upgrades/accessories, some don't, and when you go to comparing brands, and types of guns, stock power and accuracy comes into play.

Still with standard AEGs (TMs especially), they are very similar, and looks play an important part. I say - get the TM AK-47! Large battery, reliable, fairly sturdy, lots of kits available (at outrageous prices ), and looks damn good to me!

Welcome to the sport,
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Old September 28th, 2005, 18:00   #9
Bob the Angry Potato
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For a "Rushing Sniper", I'd recommend a STEYR AUG. Good at CQB, and almost perfect at long ranges, it'd do nicely. Just as long as you aren't too used to loading front-loaded clips, though.
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Old September 28th, 2005, 18:09   #10
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USP nbb.

It's a good nbb but it will (Trust me i have the same) break. After maby 300 rds you will not be abel to pull the trigger. and ther is a littel piece of plastic that will fall of your gun.

Stick with it if you planning to spend cash on a side arm because it's cheap and it's pretty accurate to. With the rest of your cash buy goggle and the AEG that makes you go like OUUUUUUUU i like this one !

For your Nbb, you can open it and fix this by yourself in a hour and it's done!

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Old September 28th, 2005, 18:18   #11
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Originally Posted by ancorp
they are very similar
My point exactly

And yes, the Ak is a very good gun. BUY IT BUY IT NOW!
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Old September 28th, 2005, 21:24   #12
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OK ... just found this on 007 site...
VSR-10 Pro (440$) and fell in love...
so i went at
and read a review of the gun... some personal experience with this gun ?

or i should keep more money for something like Maruzen APS-2 Sniper Version (550) or Maruzen APS-2 Type 96 (L96 A1) (680) ?

or even one of the most $$$ i saw... Marui H&K PSG-1 (800)

What about spring vs AEG sniper ? for real snipers i mean ...
but i don't wanna hear : "go read..." i want personal opinion
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Old September 28th, 2005, 21:35   #13
The Saint
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Originally Posted by Dinendal
What about spring vs AEG sniper ? for real snipers i mean ...
but i don't wanna hear : "go read..." i want personal opinion
But we're gonna tell you to "go read" anyways. In fact, the Canadian Airsoft Newbie Guide specifically says right near the beginning that "If it's your FIRST gun, buy an AEG. If you buy a sniper rifle or Gas Blow Back without ever having played, you'll instantly find yourself outgunned. And since you're asking what the best gun is. You probably don't want that to happen. Best way to see the guns is to come out to a game. You don't have to play, and most people will let you hold/shoot their weapon."
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Old September 28th, 2005, 21:51   #14
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Originally Posted by Dinendal
OK ... just found this on 007 site...
VSR-10 Pro (440$) and fell in love...
so i went at
and read a review of the gun... some personal experience with this gun ?

or i should keep more money for something like Maruzen APS-2 Sniper Version (550) or Maruzen APS-2 Type 96 (L96 A1) (680) ?

or even one of the most $$$ i saw... Marui H&K PSG-1 (800)

What about spring vs AEG sniper ? for real snipers i mean ...
but i don't wanna hear : "go read..." i want personal opinion
Are you planning to be a full time sniper? If not stay away from rifles, get one when you have alot of money to spend. Or actually plan to be a sniper. And if you really want to be a sniper, not any one can, so think harder. And if you still want to be a sniper, read more reviews on the gun (vsr-10) Cuss the one in RR isn't that great of a review, iv seen more with better information. (i think :P)
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Old September 28th, 2005, 22:25   #15
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Yes i'm gonna be a full time sniper and i just read a lot of others review of the gun (vsr-10) they all say its a good gun so why not ? 400$ for a good sniper fully upgradable is something attravtive no ?

the main point of me asking you question about guns was : I wanted to know if someone got a bad experience with this gun ... i want answers like : "oh yeah its really a good move to buy this !" or "man this gun is so awful even the best sniper couldnt aim at 10 meters "

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