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Ksp Usp Compact


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Old September 29th, 2005, 18:49   #1
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Ksp Usp Compact

from what i have heard this gun is very reliable accurate but lacks fps im lookin at this gun as my side arm but am not sure hopin all you people can help me with this one

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Old September 29th, 2005, 21:00   #2
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its okay, read reviews
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Old September 29th, 2005, 21:08   #3
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s'tight, yo.

(it's compact, nice weight, KSC reliability, decocker that functions, wicked accuracy IME, simple to work with, tough, good quality materials, minimal cool-down effect, and because it's a compact, it has a short, fast cycle...

Definitely biased opinion, but i've owned loads of gas pistols, and this one's one of my favourites.

I would liken it to the marui Glock 26, except this gun is nicer to hold, has better quality material (at least in appearance), and just generally feels more refined.

As for gaming: it's REALLY efficient. I don't have numbers, but you can get at least 2 magazines per fill (if not more?).

Plus, there's parts for it (KSC) so you can replace stuff that breaks or malfunctions.

Only one frustrating thing - speed loading is a f'kin bee-hootch. It's a double stack magazine with no visible follower. So you can't pull down the follower and pour BB's in, you pretty much have to hand load it.

It's fine by me though. Less places for dirt, and a nicer looking magazine.
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Old September 29th, 2005, 23:03   #4
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I love my USP Compact. I took the finger groove baseplate off and installed the flat one as I find it fits my hand better. The fact that it comes with a second baseplate demonstrates KSC's commitment to customer flexibility.

Snappy recoil, good velocity (I chrono from 260 to 275 on propane), low cool-down as Mystery mentioned, weighty, and slick. I've got a Fobus Roto-Holster for mine which allows me to put it in any position, from my hip to the small of my back. Get one.

My only complaints: A) Mag doesn't show you remaining rounds. Remember to count or be quick with your reload. B) Safety wears out quickly and no longer functions. The decocker still works and the safety still moves to the safe position, although when pressing the trigger you can see the safety move down to fire as you squeeze, then the hammer drops. Not a big deal, my safety's on the end of my hand.

Get one of these. You'll like it.
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Old September 29th, 2005, 23:31   #5
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Since you got a good review of the gun by mystery fish and W.K.Shuridys, thought i'd give you the opposite end of the spectrum. I think most of the USPC reviews out there are based on first impression, and thus not entirely accurate, because first impression the USPC blew me away too.

IMO it's a very nice show gun. looks great, weight is good even for a compact gun, very gas efficient. Extremely solid feeling especially after putting on a metal slide kit. Onto the bad stuff.

The plastic, although has a very nice finish tends to break easily. I've had 2 USPc's so far and the back end of the frame tends to like to break. (the piece right under the hammer) One of them the piece actually snapped off showing the metal underframing and the other one shows slight sign of the same thing. I've seen a bunch more USPc's for sale with similar problems. Maybe its just a propane thing, but I think most people plan to use propane with their gbbs. If it not it might not be a problem for you.

The Hop up is very poorly designed. don't get me wrong, it works. but if you feel like adjusting it or swapping it during say, a metal slide kit. 90% chance you'll break your hop up rubber so it no longer adjusts, but stays in a standard position. BOTH of the USP's had this problem, and I've seen many people looking for USP hop up rubbers.

The accuracy is not all that great. its not horrible, but its not great either. A G26 beats it hands down at any range. Im sure the new ones like the hi-capa and p226 is far more accurate as well. at around 15 ft. you'll hit a pop can about 6/10 shots. (which is mediocre at best)

Since then I've had numerous problems with it which I don't really know what's actually wrong. After a game, sometimes the trigger sticks in the middle position, the saftey/hammer release piece kinda riped or something and now the hammer release now works, but doesn't come back to its rest position. slide release sometimes sticks even when theres a bb chambered.

I've sold one as a fixerupper recently and kept the other one. I still like it, it just feels damn nice, and shoots really snappy. Just dissapointed it comes with so many problems. I wouldn't recommend it as your first GBB unless you only plan on using duster and never opening it up or upgrading it. Definately not the best field pistol out there. I'd take a g26 or wa hicapa anyday. It does however make a very fun plinking/show piece as all the nifty hammer/safety things work like it should and snappy and gas efficient.
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Old September 29th, 2005, 23:51   #6
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funny you say that valcro i posted my question on airsoft kelowna fourms and got the same thing thank you all for your responses
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Old September 30th, 2005, 08:12   #7
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how about spelling it correctly first?
Originally Posted by MadMorbius View Post
Give your head a shake, man. You don't jump out of a shaky car so you can ride in one that's on fire.
Originally Posted by Duff_Man_in_CADPATs
I also noticed for the first time that Bod sounds a lot like Jango Fett.
Originally Posted by Strelok View Post
I like the part where he got banned.
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Old September 30th, 2005, 11:59   #8
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Was that REALLY necessary?...
Originally Posted by ToRN
how about spelling it correctly first?
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