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Old January 23rd, 2011, 14:29   #53
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Mississauga/Ottawa
For those who've never lived in Hong Kong for a period of time, I'll tell you how Hong Kong people REALLY view the mainland Chinese. Before PRC took control of Hong Kong in 1997, many of them viewed themselves as superior economically, culturally, etc. As a matter of fact, right before England handed Hong Kong over to China, some Hong Kong families emigrated to USA, Canada, England, Taiwan, etc. because they thought China would confiscate all their properties (the red scare). Obviously they were just being ignorant.

Now, in the 21st Century, when China became an economic powerhouse that could rival the world's only superpower, USA, there are more people who support the PRC with all their hearts, than those who still think they are superior. Hong Kong politics is so messed up that there are 10+ parties, all of them are equally powerful. Some wants closer ties to China, some wants more independence, some are left wing, some are right wing. As a result, nothing ever gets done in Hong Kong, just like how Hong Kong's population is divided amongst themselves. But a recent study showed that as time passed, more and more people call themselves 中国人 rather than 香港人.

Although pretty much all Hong Kong people are friendly towards the mainland Chinese, their private views are a bit different. There are rumors that 内地人 are over-achievers, hard working, sly, and would scam you out of your money if they wanted to. Of course, most people know that they are just rumors.

Although I identify myself as a Chinese and support the Communist Party, my parents are still troubled over the Chinese government. They are always like "Oh, they are not democratic," or "Oh, they are corrupt." Obviously, some of them would often confuse the Communist Party under Mao with the Party under Hu Jintao. Lol every time I buy PLA's BDU or combat hats, they always have this disapproving look =/ It doesn't help that they are also Christians, which brings us to our next subject.

With families that are religious, they would view China's lack of freedom of religion an affront to their God/Goddess/Spirits. Even with China's new "don't ask don't tell" policy (Unless you're falun gong, then nobody can help you), to the religious people of Hong Kong, you're either with "insert religion name" or you're the devil incarnate. Since most people from Hong Kong are Buddhists with Christianity in 2nd place growing rapidly, there's often an "us vs. them" mentality.

But at the end of the day, to the westerners, they are still Chinese. You can see it at my school, Hong Kong people and Mainland Chinese stick together at lunch tables while 白人 get their own. Multiculturalism my ass...

So yea, people like me support PRC, other people like my parents support Hong Kong being separate while envying their economy. Since the Hong Kong dollar is pegged to the US dollar (gj, retards...), for once in their life these Hong Kong middle-class families are doing worse than the mainland middle-class. Hence, they'd get jealous lol...

Anyways, none of this would matter once a Hong Kong person gets to know a mainlander on a personal level. Any level headed person would not believe the rumors and

Last edited by Cifyra; January 23rd, 2011 at 14:52..
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