Thread: French gear
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Old February 8th, 2007, 09:38   #32
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Winnipeg MB
Originally Posted by Lerch View Post
Also very cheap replica. I can't say how it performs in the field but I've held one and I could probably break the handle off. I'm sure they could last if they're not beaten up too badly, but they're still alot more fragile then the G36C.
True the FAMAS is plasticy and not ment to be thrown down 5 feet, but then again, who treats their gun like that? Im sure you CAN break off the carry handle, but why would you?

I've gamed with one and it is sturdy enough for normal gaming without breaking.

another thing to look at is that it's TM's first AEG, and i believe the design/build hasnt changed since then (correct me if im wrong with that point)

I personally think the gun is great stock, fantastic accuracy, nice sized magazine, amazing ROF, TWO safeties (one at the trigger, the other at the selector switch where you turn OFF the gearbox)

The sights are fantasic in my opinion, you can adjust the sites as you go if needed with your index finger and thumb! and if you dont like the iron sights, you can slap an rds on it without much trouble.

and if you dont like the way it looks, it's french, what do you expect? it HAS to be drastically different from the americans

**Back to the topic**
Dont forget a barette(or however you spell those funny hats) when you play, and say random swears about the americans and how you don't care. Then as soon as you get into fire fights where you are outnumbered, scream for help from the americans.
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