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Old January 20th, 2006, 15:48   #27
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: MB
Holy thread revival, Batman!

Can anyone provide a general list of velocities at which point you ought to start thinking about durability upgrades, and for which part? For instance, obviously a stock or slightly hotter gun seems to run just fine with stock internals. However let's say you wanted to push your AEG to 340, 360, or 380 fps. At what point does it become prudent to install new parts to avoid accellerated wear, bearing in mind that cost is always a factor? No point in spending $100 on new parts if you don't need them.

I suppose it also depends on gearbox construction, because my CA249 box is decidedly stronger than the Version 2 in my M15A4. However some rough starting points would be of tremendous assistance. Thanks!
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