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Old July 5th, 2016, 15:57   #26
Zeroroaster's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2014
In any job where you potentially will come in contact with a firearm, you're required to have the appropriate licensing and training. Even in the movies...technicians have to have a restricted PAL in order to handle the replica firearms and blank ammunition. If there's a chance you'll encounter a weapon, you have to be certified. You have to be able to know and understand whether or not somebody has a legit ATT, or that the firearm is properly acquired and stored.

As for practical handling and application, when out hunting, I've never seen any hunter unload and prove SAFE to cross a stream or climb over a fence. If hunting 'properly' you're usually out with a buddy anyways, so yeah...hand him the rifle, clear the obstacle then do likewise. If working in areas where predators are a problem (not shopping malls, the wilderness), you have to be loaded pretty much all the time. If a bear decides to run you down you don't have time to fumble for a mag. There will be no calling hit and heading for the respawn...umm, there might not even be a respawn...

In the case of a rifle or semi auto with a magazine, running around with one in the hole is not a completely sane idea, and chances are you can rack one fast enough to still get out of a jam without having to run around 'live'. If you've got a single shot, bolt action, bring a back up..hehehe...
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