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Old November 19th, 2014, 01:41   #95
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Location: 11-30-24-1W5
Originally Posted by podpharmer View Post
I am both an ar-15 owner and an ISSF national gold/silver medalist so please dont lump us all in the same boat. there are lots good people,and yes lots of retards in anything with that many members (there are just under 2 million people in Canada with a possession and acquisition licence

like anything else the idiots get noticed a lot more then the bulk of regular people.
Like I said I'm not trying to lump them all together in the same boat but that's just been my experience with some that I've met, they all seem to want to be tactical mall ninjas and measure their dicks. (If anything I'm probably more oper8r than they are because I'm actually fit and can think quick on my feet). I don't have a beef with you but I do have a beef with those kinds of people that try to make it an "exclusive" thing, it really doesn't help them make allies to shit on other (new) people and not educate the general public rationally. (EDIT: I'm not a member of it but I also have a beef with a forum with the initials LF because of what I perceive as this exact behaviour that I was trying to convey above)

And I'm actually part of a group that tries to get "regular people" (who otherwise wouldn't normally be into it) involved in shooting sports. Hell I went trap shooting like 2 week ago for the first time ever and got to shoot a bunch of pistols and rifles as well another time.
ಠ_ಠLess QQ more Pew Pew

Last edited by L473ncy; November 19th, 2014 at 01:44..
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