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Old March 6th, 2014, 13:27   #1
Join Date: Mar 2014
Do you know any place where I can have this airsoft gun custom made for me?

I found a picture of this airsoft AEG M4A1 rifle I want but I cant find it anywhere, and I can't build it because I can't find the parts for it. I was wondering if you know any place where I just bring them the blueprints/design and they make the gun for me from scratch. I want the gun to be plastic NOT METAL, exactly like this one.

notes about the gun:

-Every part of the gun is plastic, the receiver is smoke clear plastic.

-The barrel, handguards, and grenade launcher are all permanently fixed together as one piece.

-The grenade launcher doesn't function and is just for looks

Last edited by bobsanto; March 6th, 2014 at 14:34..
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