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Old January 15th, 2025, 10:00   #10
Jbone 11 11
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Hey all,
Thought I'd chime in with my 2cents... Been into airsoft for a loooong time and ran with the Force Recon guys for a time. I took a break from the sport about 8 years ago, and looking in from the outside during that time, the sport has been through a lot, least of all COVID and C21.

But I've recently had a renewed interest to get back in and am pleasantly surprised to see that there is still a pulse, and arguably a strong one. FR games are going strong and there are still shops around, even here in Ottawa, albeit a small one. So there are definitely people into airsoft out there still.

Personally I think the issue is communication, in that there is no longer an effective, easy to use central hub for airsoft in Canada. ASC was that for years, but due to a combination of an aging demographic, and recent events such as COVID and C21 and the vilification of anything remotely gun related, its has suffered and ceased to be as relevant as it once was and should still be.
Everyone knows that ASC is looooong overdue for a serious overhaul - The site is clunky AF and looks dated. In saying that I do realize the time, effort and cost involved. But it is sorely needed. Marketing the re-brand/re-launch properly is also key. Get that back and I think we would se a resurgence. We are out there, we just need a way to communicate and organize openly like we did before.

Personally, taking some initiative and relaunching this site would be a big move forward. When there is no hype, nothing happens... word of mouth is great but only gets you so far.

At any rate, maybe there are some other considerations and issues... legally perhaps, that I am not aware of, but thats what I am seeing from where I am standing.

a.k.a. Sandman
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