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Old May 22nd, 2013, 19:25   #7
Danke's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Danger Zone
If I'm the Dude the I know that knife well. To obtain one first you must pass a course that involves blowing stuff up, jumping out of or onto things, cutting stuff down, or be related to the CO.

Then you must hear tell of an issue sheath knife that you can request from stores which means no more ruining or lending out your private purchase knife to be lost by your section commander.

After you have heard the legend you embark on a quest to convince the supply clerk that yes you qualify to withdraw that item and furthermore that you should be allowed to sign one out.

The passing of the course, and the gaining of the knowledge will be the easy part. Convincing the supply clerk will make you feel like Tantalus.

When you've done all that & the clerk grudging places the knife on the counter you look at it and say to yourself "that's a fucking steak knife".
Airsoft, where nothing is hurt but feelings.
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