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Old January 23rd, 2013, 15:08   #21
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Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Hamilton, ON
Originally Posted by Azathoth View Post
Do you have links or further info on the bolded text? If we had a reliable laser intensity measure device we may relax our stance on banning laser devices.
I'm no expert but I've had some experience with optical communications in the past. I have access to an optical light meter designed for use in telecom environments. It allows for measurement of light levels at specific wavelengths.

This is useful for getting an idea of how powerful a laser is. One of the wavelengths of light it can measure is 850nm which is around where most IR lasers are in the spectrum. It doesn't tell you however if the IR laser is calibrated right at 850nm so I would hesitate before using this technique to completely OK a laser for use. It could be calibrated for a different wavelength resulting in a lower power reading at 850nm which would not give an accurate indication of it's true power.

If I can get access to an optical spectrum analyzer then a more detailed report of what frequencies and strengths of light is being emitted from a specific laser diode would be possible. At that stage you could safely say a laser is OK to use. Sadly it's not so easy to get access to this type of gear as it's typically in excess of $10k or more for a spectrum analyzer.

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