Thread: Booby Traps?
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Old September 20th, 2012, 09:20   #38
m102404's Avatar
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Location: Toronto
Unless they go off right up close to your face (and even then they're pretty safe....Madmax spent A LOT of time figuring out what was safe enough in the design)....they're really not painfull/hurtfull in any way.

When they first came out and I was doing a lot of gun doc work, I'd demo them to anyone who'd come over. We'd just put on goggles, cover our teeth and set one off in the workshop.

Spooks/shocks you more than anything. You'll get hit by A LOT of BB's...but none of them will feel like a shot from a pistol/rifle that close up. Due to the duration of the "blast" and the number of BB's flying'd have to be completely zoned out not to realize that you've been hit.

The timer ones (either with a pull pin or the spoon kit) are so-so. The timing is just fine for lobbing grenades around corners/down halls/etc...but they're inconsistent enough to be odd when using them to breach rooms. In hot weather (high 30C) they'll tend to just go off immediately in your hands...which still won't hurt you.

The impact ones are great. They are hard to set off accidentally...but go off immediately when they hit something hard (wall/floor/etc...). Those work great for CQB.

Setting them up with the "noise banger" is ok...sometimes you get a good pop...other times you don't. But everyone still reacts as if it's a frag since you can't tell when one's headed your way. Duds or spent ones work really well as distractions too...again, since you don't really know if it's a live one or not.

I wouldn't use them for field games...they'd just get lost.

Last edited by m102404; September 20th, 2012 at 09:25..
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