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Old July 9th, 2011, 20:33   #3
L473ncy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: 11-30-24-1W5
Bit more complicated than that.....

Generally we try to keep it 18+.

As for getting guns. Expect 2-2.5x the cost of an AEG from Asia. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO IMPORT GUNS YOURSELF! There's a few nuances that if you don't get correct you can have your guns seized and destroyed.

Most external furniture and all internals are fine for import it's just that you don't want to import anything prohibited. This essentially means no receivers or lower pistol frames. There's a lot more nuances but that's just the basics.

to answer most of your questions of airsofting in Canada, go to the FAQ section and read up. Most if not all of the info in there is still relevant today.
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