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Old November 16th, 2010, 11:23   #19
L473ncy's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: 11-30-24-1W5
If you want to load your mags to certain capacities "stick and tube" is perfect.

Lets say you're playing a realcap game and you only have low or midcaps. If you use a "speedloader" I've personally found they have a tendancy to "skip" BB's (ie. 1 push is not always 3 BB's, it might only be 1 or 2 BB's sometimes).

Anyways.... one problem however is that the plastic stick and tube are shit IMO, they always end up breaking. So what someone suggested once (I think this was like a year or two ago) was that if you have an extra inner barrel just measure out "30" BB's worth of length and make a cut. You now have a sturdy stick and tube loader that you know for sure will give you 30 BB's every time. Also I forget the technical name for it but if you also make the end of one side of the barrel wider (by "jamming" some sort of conical/tapered bit in the end to get that kind of shape it should slightly facilitate with loading BB's into the tube).

Other than that, can't beat the pistol mag speedloaders and they're like $9 anyways. (Although I think TM makes a $25 one that's in the shape of an M16 mag).
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