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Old August 6th, 2010, 02:13   #10
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Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Edmonton
well i am sure it was sezure and battery..
I had pitched it, but the wife said to stop, smoke, relax and examine.
so i was examining the battery, pulled out eh DVM and figured out positive and negitive.
attached the wires and nothing, figured maybe it runs backwards. swappdthe wires hit the trigger and heard a little click, switched the wires around again and it fires fine...
where do i get one of those special anti sezure kits hahahah
A single Light is all one needs to find their way through the darkness, But a single BB is all you need to bring it on!
Im not worried about the Bullet that has my Name on it, Im worried about the bullet that says "to whom it may concern"
Lt. Alexander Washington -(Red Tails 1944) Ret.
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