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Old March 6th, 2010, 12:46   #15
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Toronto, ON
Actually I had a bunch of different ski pants, and they all make alot of *swish* *swish* noise.... maybe because they are too baggy though @.@

I currently have BDU pants with some of my *yes I didn't grow* elementary school track pants (My parents bought clothes too big for me when I was young so I can use it when I grow up ) >.> underneath lol....

Try ebaying for a flashlight, I won a Fenix TK11 R2 on ebay for 62 USD... Dunno about knee pads, xAndrewx just sold me some Woodland Bijans, should be nice :P

Originally Posted by Conflicts6 View Post
Thanks everyone for the tips. Im going to toss the ski pants and wear some navy track pants. Il get some knee pads, because there are lots of random twigs and roots sticking up. The flashlight is cheap, I know. But off my gun I have a nice maglight. And yes, i am 15. The field we are at is private, and the owner allows anyone above fourteen that they know personally. I will try to get some photos for you guys tonight
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