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Old October 8th, 2009, 14:33   #5
m102404's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Toronto
such a thing is so handy it's almost a Must Have.

I have a hobby RC one that plugs into the balancing tap of lipo's. I can measure between 2-6 cell packs. It has a 3 digit display...cycles from the V of each cell and the total pack voltage (i.e. cell 1, cell 2, cell 3, Total...cell 1, etc...). Takes just seconds to measure a pack. Cost $22 after taxes.

It's saved me grief at least once when I mixed up my partially charged and freshly charged LiPo packs in the middle of game. Worth the $20 just for that one time so I didn't have to sweat it for the rest of the day.

I check before I charge, before I plug it into the gun, maybe at lunch ('s really quick) and when I'm done for the day. Most times...there's nothing surprising. Once my buddy had a dead cell in a pack (so maybe having one saved him from bursting in to flames! LOL) that we found with the little meter. Another time I had a pack come in with a gun for repairs and one cell was 0.5v higher than the other two. I was able to let the owner know about that, show him, and tell him how to keep an eye on it.

Yes...a multimeter will do the same thing...but this reader is smaller than my thumb and I just toss it into my admin pouch.

It was hard to find at yes, if there was one available from you at the time, I would have bought it from you.

Last edited by m102404; October 8th, 2009 at 14:38..
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