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Old July 20th, 2009, 14:00   #4
Oborous's Avatar
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Edmonton, AB
Originally Posted by Danke View Post
I think there are some very basic small unit tactics, tips and even overlooked gear folks should be carrying before worrying about more exotic gear and secret techniques.

It blows me away how many people won't show up to a game with a watch, if you have an objective to hold or reach at X minutes how will you know?

Paper and pencil instead of trusting your memory.

A whistle that won't rattle or freeze up for when you're out of shouting range and the radios are down.

Get your SH!T squared away first! How many 'secret squirell' technqiues require you and your -team- to have been working together for quite some time. I know LE comms, even incident command comm proceedures, but when it's coming to airsoft, I can't figure out why I keep failing on simple comms proceedures with other people.

Yes, doing a Costa style speed reload will get you some cool guy points, but wouldn't it be better to actually have some hard cover between you and the enemy and a couple of buddies pointing irons down range to make sure you're not rushed and can properly do your reload?

However, having a goal of some of the secret squirell moves might motivate some of the other players to actually learn the basics.
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