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jesster202 January 7th, 2008 02:34

ok iv been reading aobut legal items to bring into canada, and the word blacklisted came up a heck of a lot. can any one tell me what the major consewcses is when your blacklisted. do they check your lugague when u travel or are you not alloud to travel outside of canada. what im basicly asking what are the major repercusions to being blacklisted for trying to order somthing over seas and befour you blame me i know not to order ristricted items form over seas i just wnat to know the consewces besides the fact your item is taken away.

Fidget11 January 7th, 2008 02:42

not ones that are worth it to save a couple bucks.

AcidFire January 7th, 2008 02:52

please learn to spell before you give us all headaches.

I've been told when your blacklisted your items are looked at more closely and things that normally wouldn't be seized are more likely to.

Ronan January 7th, 2008 02:53


Originally Posted by AcidFire (Post 609521)
please learn to spell before you give us all headaches.


It's spelled consequences.

88dechmustang January 7th, 2008 03:10

wow thought my spelling sucked hahahahha
give em some slack

jesster202 January 7th, 2008 03:17

lol i know how well i cant help it i try

TokyoSeven January 7th, 2008 04:01

Heres a crumb because Im feeling nice.

Once your nailed, have fun trying to get any other package from out of country in a nice timley fashion, be it clothing, a game, a gift from a relative.
This isnt always true though, the CBSA doesnt rape all my packages as much anymore.

Greylocks January 7th, 2008 06:41

What CAN happen, in no particular order:
Everything you ever get or send through the Border can be searched or seized for inspection/destruction.
Everytime you want to travel outside Canada you can get searched, or your vehicle searched (how deep they search is up to them, it can include taking your car apart).
Depending on how they feel, you can be turned back at the border and not be allowed to cross; fun, right?
Have fun trying to get a passport.

If they charge you with any criminal code offence because you try to import or smuggle something illegal, you are in shit for years.

That's what CAN happen. You asked.

(If you are a minor and you do this, your PARENTS can suffer those consequences instead of you. Nice gift to them, right? )

jesster202 January 7th, 2008 07:42

wow thats a shitty deal can you get how do you know if you become blacklisted do they send you a notice and no i have done nothing i have not ordered anything, im just intrested like do you get your first pakage sezied and then next time do you get blacklisted or are you right form the get go blacklisted?

MadMorbius January 7th, 2008 08:47

Something else that most people don't consider; if you end up in a professionan sees you travelling frequently, being "blacklisted" can cause you interminable problems. It's pretty embarassing going through the customs line with your Boss and getting pulled out for searches over and over again. Also, if you ever apply to Nexus to streamline your border crossings, you'll be rejected. Again, try going through the airport with a half dozen executives and they're streaming through the Nexus system while you're standing in line with 400 other people.

What you do now, today, stays with you forever. Always remember that your actions today have consequences for the rest of your life.

Greylocks January 7th, 2008 10:04

And if ever it reaches the Criminal Record (when you get charged) you're deeply screwed.

Forget any jobs that need a clearance (pretty much all jobs), forget going outside Canada.

Criminal records stay with you for life, unless you get an official pardon.

So that too is part of what screwing with the Border can give you.

Waiting until you are 18 is nothing.

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