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чума September 27th, 2012 01:32

How old should you really be?
Good day.
I'm somewhat new to this Forum so please bare with me as I try to clarify what I have to say.

I'm from the Comox Valley some of you may know where this is well in the last 6 months there has been a new airsoft group (Comox Valley Airsoft) we have reached almost 80 members and growing almost every day but as the group gets larger the more younger they get which is fine for some but I'm not too big of a fan spending hundreds of dollars and shooting little 10 year old. So a buddy and I started our own field which is really just a 5ac piece of land but it works so we just simply put it as a CQB(ish). We made it a 15+ field mostly for safety reasons and some times people don't want 10 year old's running around, well our "leader" said it be fine but now he thinks it should be fare for all ages and if I don't change this he'll stop using my field. I'm stuck here, my friend and myself have put hours of work into the field and feel this is too harsh for such a simple thing.

We also don't allow snipers but he thinks I should aloud snipers, but the problem is the field is just not open enough and is too small to be used for sniping and I worried that if someone would get hurt in any form or way I would come down to fault.

Sorry for any incorrect spelling a head of time.


JLiang September 27th, 2012 01:41

My two cents is that the leader is being a bit aggressive. After all, it's your field, and if he doesn't like your rules, he can go play elsewhere.

Even so, I think you should keep your options open, especially to younger people. Yes, 10 year olds may be pushing the bar a bit, but for slightly older adolescents, maybe you could help mentor them. Initiate a boot camp or something similar so that they can learn in a controlled, safe environment where they can demonstrate their abilities and maturity before moving on to 'free play' with the big boys. :P

I'm sure that even if you didn't allow younger people, others would still come. For example, the age limit here in Calgary is 16+, with occasional 13+ 'noob games' where the less experienced can come and learn the game respectfully.

Also, criticize me if you may, but I believe 5 acres of field is plenty enough for Snipers. Or have I misinterpreted your information?

Anyway, just my opinion on this. Still your overall decision. :)

ShelledPants September 27th, 2012 01:43

I know this is going to sound harsh, but, how old are you?

The next point I would like to make, is: 10 year olds? Are you fucking kidding me? I realize this is the Newbie Tank, but, seriously? Are their parents playing? Who brings them? Who pays for their stuff? So many questions...

Shit, I'm going to bed. Too much weird here.

JLiang September 27th, 2012 01:46

I was just voicing an opinion. No need to get jacked up. :P

I'm 16, so no AV for me, but I believe I have a somewhat firm grasp of what I'm talking about.

I also believe '10-year olds' may be a bit of an exaggeration.

ShelledPants September 27th, 2012 01:51


Originally Posted by JLiang (Post 1707710)
I was just voicing an opinion. No need to get jacked up. :P

I'm 16, so no AV for me, but I believe I have a somewhat firm grasp of what I'm talking about.

I also believe '10-year olds' may be a bit of an exaggeration.

JLiang, that wasn't aimed at you, bucko.

чума September 27th, 2012 01:54

Thank you for that bit of info. I'm not too sure on the size of the field I'm not very good at guessing, the field in about 80% trees and brush and the rest just tall grass.

чума September 27th, 2012 01:57


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1707709)
I know this is going to sound harsh, but, how old are you?

The next point I would like to make, is: 10 year olds? Are you fucking kidding me? I realize this is the Newbie Tank, but, seriously? Are their parents playing? Who brings them? Who pays for their stuff? So many questions...

Shit, I'm going to bed. Too much weird here.

The youngest we have ever had at a game was 8... Their parents do not play at games and most times their parents just drop them off and drive away without a word, and most cases their parents pay for most if not all of their gear and guns. I'm 17* Almost 18.

JLiang September 27th, 2012 02:03


Originally Posted by ShelledPants (Post 1707712)
JLiang, that wasn't aimed at you, bucko.


Well, now you know how old I am! XD

I hoe you didn't take offense to that. Wasn't meant to be aggressive or anything.

And 8? I agree, that's excessive. Waaay too excessive.

Dynamo September 27th, 2012 02:08

so basically, you are being a baby sitter for these kids. if one of them should get injured, who ever is running the event and the property owner would be legally responsible for everything.

чума September 27th, 2012 02:10


Originally Posted by Dynamo (Post 1707717)
so basically, you are being a baby sitter for these kids. if one of them should get injured, who ever is running the event and the property owner would be legally responsible for everything.

We do have them sign waivers but to what legal power they hold I'm not to sure of.

FirestormX September 27th, 2012 02:30

Do you have the kids sign the waivers, or the guardians?

I gotta say, this all sounds like a mess waiting to happen. 8 is 100% way too young. And if you're not aware of "what legal power they hold", and that's your only protection, I would highly recommend you stop allowing people on your field immediately, until you're more familiar with what consequences could rain down on you.

I have a feeling you're going to get some harsh, but straight forward replies in here, from very knowledgeable people, so I'd suggest you listen to them closely.

On a side note, one of the benefits of having older players that are often more mature, is that if you allow them to have 450FPS sniper rifles, they'll know better than to use it as a CQB weapon. Don't give a shot you wouldn't take.

R.I.T.Z September 27th, 2012 02:42


Originally Posted by чума (Post 1707718)
We do have them sign waivers but to what legal power they hold I'm not to sure of.

The YOUNGEST i have ever seen allowed onto a field was 14 and that was a fathers son, part owner of a private field, and only as a photographer/medic while the father was playing, he's now 16 which is the youngest most public paintball fields allow with a consent form/waiver.

who wrote up your waivers? what insurance do you have?
honestly I wouldn't allow anyone under 14 to play ever without an adult present.
this can get ugly very quickly.
its to early for this.

чума September 27th, 2012 02:43


Originally Posted by FirestormX (Post 1707720)
Do you have the kids sign the waivers, or the guardians?

I gotta say, this all sounds like a mess waiting to happen. 8 is 100% way too young. And if you're not aware of "what legal power they hold", and that's your only protection, I would highly recommend you stop allowing people on your field immediately, until you're more familiar with what consequences could rain down on you.

I have a feeling you're going to get some harsh, but straight forward replies in here, from very knowledgeable people, so I'd suggest you listen to them closely.

On a side note, one of the benefits of having older players that are often more mature, is that if you allow them to have 450FPS sniper rifles, they'll know better than to use it as a CQB weapon. Don't give a shot you wouldn't take.

I agree. I feel that our group "leader" needs a smack on the head and told airsoft isn't meant to be fare but he is too stubborn to listen and keeps going on like nothing will happen. I fear the worse if something happens and the shock waves are felt throughout the Canadian airsoft community.

Mr.Shiney September 27th, 2012 02:51

So the parents drop off their kids at Airsoft Day Care, and leave?


You guys are in for a liability NIGHTMARE. If one of those kids gets hurt, even a pricked finger. You could be held responsible and liable for all injuries to that young person.

Essentially by allowing these children to be dropped off, regardless of what waiver has been signed. You are assuming responsibility over those young persons.

My advice would be to stop that practice straight away. If the parents are not on the field, then the child cannot play.

You may have been running on luck and borrowed time for now. But the day will come, when something happens.

Ready September 27th, 2012 03:03

Unless the parents are on the field and quite LITERALLY right beside them. I would not even let them enter the field, let alone hold a gun. If your leader is going to such a d**k about it, then let him find somewhere else to play. You're the one that gets shit on if one of the kids get hurt and you're the one that will get sued. He has absolutely NO say in this.

And even if he does decide to go somewhere else and nobody comes to your field, the field isn't your main source of income nor is it a necessity in your life. Granted it would be a shame to waste all that time into developing a field, all to have some arrogant idiot ruin it for your entire airsoft community.

And waivers aren't very reliable too, unless you're a lawyer and know exactly what to write and what to look for. There are just way too many loopholes that can be used to make you lose in court.

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