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BloodSport May 28th, 2018 16:57

Recent Spam
Hey everyone we are aware of a recent spam blast on the forms both via general posts, and as seen this past weekend via PM's.

The owners of ACS are aware of it, and are updating the spam software and implementing some new new member steps which will hopefully fix it. It sounds like many forums got his hard this weekend from the reports they are reading from other site owners.

ripanu1 May 28th, 2018 17:48

Spam Topic 26/05/2018
Ahh that is what is going on, I got one this past weekend from a LilyS it said:

Recipients: DarioFkp7, HarrisWhit, JackMan250, ripanu1, spilgJappy

"Hi" and had a photo/Giff attached of 2 Blue cartoon type people humping :P

RainyEyes May 28th, 2018 21:09

Do we just forward the not profile links to admins? There's a clever one for some diet/healthy supplement called Garcia and the boys write a script for some clever bio and occupation that doesn't make sense. They always have the ad link in the home page links of the profile.

NAAZ May 28th, 2018 21:23

I got that spam msg but by the time I opened it the user was banned. thank you mods for the quick action.

hollywood... May 29th, 2018 17:17


Originally Posted by NAAZ (Post 2026267)
I got that spam msg but by the time I opened it the user was banned. thank you mods for the quick action.

It was hard to keep up with banning them

Ricochet June 2nd, 2018 22:27


Hobos December 3rd, 2018 22:48

Sorry to bump, but are there any new changes related to why it now shows, "The administrator has restricted use of the private message system to members with less than 1 posts," when trying to send PMs? I can't even open my inbox now despite having 52 or so messages in there.

I suppose this is a moot point for myself now that I'm posting here, but I'm AV'd and lurked for a bit and I'm willing to wager there are probably a few others who lurk about as well but never post.

Spas-Tick22 February 9th, 2019 20:30

My account was also locked.

Decided recently to get back into the sport after so many years away, only to find my account on ASC cannot post anywhere.

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