Social Group
Storm Riders
The theme for "Storm Riders" is private military contractors. The team "uniform" or loadout can vary between players, but a few things are required:
Camo: Multicam
Weapon: NATO-style assault rifle or SMG; Armalite/SCAR/G36/MP5
Vest: Tactical vest, preferably a plate carrier like a CIRAS
Other stuff:
- We usually don't wear a BDU top. Instead we were a dark commando sweater or, in the summer, a long-sleeved combat shirt
- We usually wear a shemagh
- We usually wear baseball caps or plain BDU caps. Helmets are acceptable, but only without camo covers.
The following threads contain rules that each player is required to read, or already have read:
All times are GMT -4. The time now is 15:05.